Wednesday, May 11, 2011

C# + Reading

More work has been completed these past 2 days in c#. The program is coming along nicely. Lots of buggy sections right now but a lot has been fixed. The program now allows the user to click a blob (correctly) and display it larger. This is where a user will split the junk off/circle the diatom (if required).

You can now select to squares to set the value for the binarization.

Will be working on a "Delete" (Stroke - for now a button) that when the user signals that a certain hitbox is full of only junk it is removed from the current set. (Not sure on how to remove a specific blob from the current bitmap at this time)

A current bug is with the clicking to view one blob, if there are any overlapping blobs (by hitbox) no matter where you click, all overlapping segments recursively get put into one large hitbox (or so it seems) these all come up to be viewed larger instead of the one you clicked on. Not sure why this would happen.

Finished reading the Falko-Raven Chapter 1, quite a bit confusing. Maybe tomorrow will help clarify a little more.

Read both papers:

Seems like this may be useful in a bit, to look at some alterations to the C# program to better segment the image.

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