Thursday, May 19, 2011


Undo added [with button] max of 15 steps back.

Program uses a lot more memory now, especially when the undo list is filled (800 Mb)
Once you perform 15 undos in a row the size drops down to the regular 150-300 Mb

Now have the option to view each step by itself.

Have an overlay option for any step with any other step by some percentage (very slow - doesn't seem to work quite right).

Get blob points gives me a list of all the edge points of a blob. But in no order that makes sense, or makes it easy to measure or even outline the blob. Working on figuring out a way to sort this list.


  1. It doesn't look like there is a way to make a picturebox transparent in Windows Forms (I was thinking of WPF). But there must be a faster way of doing it in AForge. Perhaps scaling to the display size first. Also, if you are doing a pixel-by-pixel processing, you should be doing it in a "unsafe" code block to access pixels directly. Is that how you're doing it?

  2. Did you figure out the problem with the numbering of the edge points?
